人気再熱のロングブーツ、 ロイヤルレディが愛用するのは「ブラック・ブラウン・ベージュ」の3色




人気再熱のロングブーツ、 ロイヤルレディが愛用するのは「ブラック・ブラウン・ベージュ」の3色!



This year, for the first time in a long time, long boots are noticeably popular. Long boots are not only great for keeping out the cold, but they also help to keep your legs in shape, making them a good choice for work.

The royal ladies of the world, who are always in the spotlight, have been wearing the three basic colors of black, brown and beige. Their coordination technique of maintaining elegance by connecting with the lines of their clothes is the best example.

Why don’t we make use of this technique in our work scenes as well?

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