また、オーダーメードスーツのD2Cブランドを手がける「FABRIC TOKYO(ファブリックトウキョウ)」の社長室・広報担当の高橋政裕氏にインタビューをさせていただきました。
「女性もオーダースーツ」の傾向なぜ拡大? あえて男性用で仕立てる人も
Even as working women’s work attire is becoming more casual, more and more women seem to feel the need to wear a proper, authentic suit. This is due to the fact that there are more and more women in management and executive positions.
As a result of this trend, some of them are tailoring authentic suits to order, just like men. High-quality services that take orders from female customers have also appeared one after another.