その新しい「MERY」にコラムを寄稿しました。テーマは「DtoCファッション」。kurun tokyoの靴をご紹介しています。ビジネスの手法として語られがちな「DtoC」を、「寄り添い型のおしゃれ」と位置づけ、消費者と手を結んだ取り組みとして解説しています。
The women’s media “MERY” has been renewed as a new form of “a place to connect through your likes”. It is a media for women who update themselves and update their happiness itself.
I contributed a column to this new “MERY”. The theme was “D to C fashion,” and I introduced kurun tokyo’s shoes. DtoC”, which is often talked about as a business method, is described as an approach that ties hands with consumers, positioning it as “approachable fashion”.