世界のパワーウーマン 政財界VIPの装いチェック クリスティーヌ・ラガルド氏vsカマラ・ハリス氏

クリスティーヌ・ラガルド氏vsカマラ・ハリス氏 政財界VIPの装いチェック


日本経済新聞社「THE NIKKEI MAGAZINE」連載「ファッションハック」に寄稿しました。

ラガルド氏vsハリス氏 政財界VIPの装いチェック


Many of the world’s power women are fashion role models. Among them are Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), and Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, who are both fashion leaders in their own right.

Their outfits, which often show only the upper half of their bodies at the podium, may be useful for styling at online meetings (remote meetings, short for teleconferences). In this issue, we will compare the jackets of the two giants and explain their common dressing techniques and policies.

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