冬ルックを「帽子」で格上げ! misaharadaの「ベール付きベレー & ビーニー帽」で旬顔に


ファッショントレンドの総合情報メディア「fashion trend news(ftn)」



「fashion trend news(ftn)」に寄稿しました。

冬ルックを【帽子】で格上げ!「ベール付きベレー & ビーニー帽」で旬顔に



Hats are a “savior” for winter looks that tend to be heavy. Hats with a striking appearance are also effective in creating a character image. The British hat brand “misaharada” is famous for its high-quality designs.

They are also popular with the British Royal Family and celebrities. Not bound by the rules of traditional hats, their classic styles with a twist will update your outfit. In this article, we will introduce some winter coordination that makes good use of hats.

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